Saturday 19 March 2022

The day my second life began

 Today is a very special day for me. On this day a year ago I came out of the hospital and started living a second life. It was a difficult 2020 for me and an even worse 2021. Twice I went to the hospital, first because of COVID, and then because of complications. During this difficult period for me, I heard about the clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, and I decided to order a reading. Everything she said about my life was true. She assured me that she saw me alive and well a year later, she even said that she saw me sitting behind a computer, which I did not understand then, and now blogging is my new hobby. Of all the clairvoyants I have ever visited, this is the only one I have returned to.

I have come a long way in recovery this year, and I want to thank my family for being there for me ,and to Mrs. Staikova for all the exceptions she made especially for me.

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